Indus hospital mobile app for iOS

UT has designed and developed an iOS mobile app for “Indus hospitals so that the patient can connect with the doctor immediately. Our focus was always on creating an easy-to-use mobile app and

  • We finally made it an easy-to-use doctor appointment booking mobile app.
  • Identified the challenges faced by patients and caregivers in using the app.
  • Suggestions for improving the services and system.
  • Identified and defined stakeholders, and built user personas.
  • Create travel maps detailing patients’ interactions with the hospital and their pain points at each touchpoint.
  • Identified opportunities for new services and offerings.
Indus hospital mobile app for iOS
  • Experience Live App
  • App Store

Summary of Findings

We conducted a comprehensive study across several multi-specialty hospitals in India. We studied the layout, internal procedures, and systems of the hospital. A team of Think_360 researchers conducted one-on-one interviews with patients, caregivers, doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. This information was used to create a complex journey map detailing each procedure as patients are treated at major multispecialty hospitals.

The biggest areas of concern, from both the video transcripts and the analysis that was conducted, were three-fold.

  • Nav Wheel/Icons – It is an elegantly produced way to display the navigation, but it doesn’t appear to be intuitive to use.This looks like it is caused by a few reasons:
    • Poor Contrast between background and icons
    • Icons that are difficult to identify unless you click on them
    • Icons That Change From Screen To Screen
  • Adding Pictures to Project and Sharing – This is the very core of the App – adding images for people to see and be inspired and yet it is not very intuitive to do this. It CAN be done by trial and error, but it should be as simple to do as possible.
  • Labeling and Instructions
    • You Are Attempting To Do Somewhat Complex; Creating projects, adding images and captions to those projects, and sharing them for others to enjoy.
    • There are a lot of areas where a casual user could get tripped up. Including help along the way will reduce/prevent errors and let people enjoy the finished product.
Summary of Findings

Usability Testing Report

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